Friday 11 May 2012

I Don't Think that the Meek Will Be Inheriting the Earth after All

In my local paper, Yorkshire Evening Post, I read that the Catholic schools are going deliver up their schools without a fight. I wrote the letter below; they didn't print it, but, hey, thanks to John, of the late lamented Leeds Online Guardian I have a blog.

I am not a Christian but I often admire and agree with the stands that Christians take on moral issues.  So, when it comes to the privatisation of state Catholic schools, it surprises me that the Leeds diocese spokesperson, John Grady’s comment on this immoral giveaway of the people’s assets is,  “Academies are clearly the Government’s preferred option”, so let’s just roll over and die.  Actually what he said [YEP April 27] was let’s “undertake a consultation”, which amounts to the same thing these days.
So the Meek won’t be inheriting the earth after all. Mr Gove is giving all their schools to the carpet firms and all the businesses. And they can appoint headteachers who will teach the finer points of business to their charges, and then the business people can choose the ones they want. And sadly the Meek who don’t come up to scratch will not have really have learnt much else, so it’s over to the Great Scrapheap for them . Of course the businesses should do well, and Great Britain will be revered the World over, except by countries where their Meek have even bigger Scrapheaps to lie upon.
Of course human beings perform better, as themselves, with their families and their friends and at work if they are treated as human beings, with dignity and respect, but we appear to be living in GoveWorld these days . . .
I do hope that the consultations are genuine, that parents get all the facts [see Anti-Academies Alliance website], and that the Meek get the chance to just say no. Victoria Jaquiss FRSA [Leeds teacher]

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